I need a change in bc

I’m taking the combo pill junel fe 1.5/30. I take it perfectly and so far I think it’s been working but we also use findings so who knows. Anyways I have lots of anxiety and I don’t know if it’s the itself or maybe just me having sex that makes me even more anxious. I’ve become a bit of a hypochondria. I noticed a couple of months ago that you could see the veins more in my nipples. And last night when I was putting lotion on I noticed spider veins in my feet. And I’ve read that there has not been any scientific study to prove spider and varicose veins they think it could be possible. I’m wanting to switch birth controls but I don’t know if I should just switch brands of the pill or move to an iud where the side affects are more localized. What’s everyone’s opinions. I can’t get into a doctor until the 20th so I have time