HELP please


Sorry I’ve never really made a post on here so I’m not really sure how this works Hopefully I’m doing this right. So I don’t talk to my family AT ALL about pregnancy or my periods. Let’s just say there not very supportive. But I’ve been trying to convince for almost 5 years. I’ve had only ONE scare where I was 3 days late on my period but then it came. This is my first time being a whole 5 days late! I had my last period March 29th- February 2nd and then my ovulation day was February 13th. I am now supposed to have started my period the 27th Of February all the way until today March the 2nd. I have not had any spotting nor no blood at all. I don’t wanna to get to excited because I have so much doubt. But I wanted to know what the women think 💭 should I take a pregnancy test ? If so when should I ? ... I’m really hoping and praying this is my time 👶🏽 🍼 id really love some help and guidance....