I don’t know if I can trust him


So my boyfriend and I got into an argument the other night and he told me he didn’t really wanna talk to me after I left. So I’m driving home and I live about 30 minutes away and I called him about five minutes after I get home and it’s just so I can tell him I’m home and I made it safe. Well he doesn’t answer and I know he’s awake because he stays up pretty late so I call a few more times.. well we had agreed that I would call him when I got home and he finally calls me about 10 minutes later and Says sorry he was in the living room watching TV and his phone was in his bedroom all the way at the back of the house. Well the next day we’re fine and I ask him to see his phone so I can send myself some pictures From a birthday party we just went to So he hands me his phone and I open up the Messages so I can send myself the pictures and I see a text message to a girl named Jen And the text message says sorry I was in the spa and on the phone talk to you in a bit we just finished getting out of the spa and he wasn’t on the phone and I asked him who is Jen and he said oh it’s My friends ex and I don’t even know who this friend is I know of him but I don’t know him and then he started going about how they don’t talk anymore and I was like OK well why are you talking to her at 11 o’clock at night because I clicked on it and he was talking to her the day before when I left when he told me he didn’t want to talk to me and said hey you awake have a sec to talk at 11 PM .. he said they talked on the phone because He wanted advice on how to deal with our argument the day before and he just talked to her because she’s a friend well I get upset because I felt like if he was going to talk to someone about our relationship I should at least know and especially if it’s someone I’ve never met ever or even heard about.. it’s just curtesy... So obviously I get upset and I tell him I listen I trust that you had good intentions because I trust you but you need to communicate with me and I just don’t think it’s appropriate for you to be talking to someone I’ve never met or even heard of about our relationship.. so I end up leaving and I go home and the next day he comes over to my house to watch a movie and help me do some stuff around the house Well he falls asleep and I know it’s wrong but I snooped so I look at his recent calls and they talked for 45 minutes the day that we got into an argument the first time and it was when I was calling him and he told me that his phone was in the bedroom and he was watching TV but really he was on the phone with this girl and he lied to me about it so now I feel like I can’t trust him because he lied to me and he said that he felt like if he told me the truth about him talking to her about our problems that I would be upset and he didn’t want to start an argument and so he felt like it was so small it didn’t matter I didn’t need to know. Well then I snooped a little bit more and I see Instagram direct messages from her and to her and they are having normal conversations and he mentioned me once he said “I’m still with my girlfriend” and that but then a few messages down she refers to him as Scotty too hottie And she has a boyfriend as well who is a cop from what I saw in their messages but I don’t know what to believe I am I crazy or am I not crazy.. I just need advice