Who's Got a Brag?


I have to brag for a moment about my husband. Normally we're a very sarcastic couple.

As background to this story, my work team of 7 people were told to Work From Home from late December until this week (not complaining at all and magically it worked out that my entire first trimester I got to work from home, thank God!). I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow. My husband is also the frugal one in the relationship.

I was (mostly) joking when I yelled down to him that I have to quit my job now.

Him: Why?

Me: I have no clothes anymore to the office.

Him (walks over to the stairs): it's okay, we can go to the store this week and buy you some clothes.

Me: 😍😭

Him: does that sound good? We can either go tomorrow or Wednesday and you can try to get a nap in before we go (I get to work from home again on Wednesday).

Don't mind me while I cry happy tears in the corner.

Feel free to brag about your spouse, friend, stranger, or yourself here too!
