does your bf ever tell pointless lies to avoid conflict?

recently I've had issues w my boyfriend telling the most stupid lies.

example: today he told me he was about to get off work and I said okay should I be on the way to your house? 5 minutes later he goes "yeah I just got home".. so I call him and ask why he said that because his job is at least 30 minutes away from his house.. turns out he was home getting ready for our date when he said he was ab to get off work and he told me he was ab to get off work so if I got to his house before he got finished getting ready, i wouldnt get mad that it took him so long (my boyfriend is a complete slow poke).

the absolute stupidest lie because in his head he was "trying to avoid a potential conflict" because I get frustrated bc he always tends to make us late to our movie.

please tell me my boyfriend isnt the only one or should I be worried?🥺

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