Pregnant again after stillbirth and MC


I can not relax for the life of me. My son was stillborn at 23 weeks 4 years ago and I had a miscarriage in January and fell pregnant in between my MC and first cycle. My hcg looks good so far, doubling as normal and progesterone has been staying above 9 but I just can’t breathe enough to feel like maybe it will actually be ok this time. The stillbirth was a horrific experience and my marriage at that time ended in divorce afterwards because he no longer wanted children after the stillbirth and I found out he was cheating on me right after it happened. Lots of grieving and growing and I’m with an amazing man now, we are engaged, and SO thrilled to be having this baby and I just can’t seem to relax.

I did find out I had blood clotting disorders, I go meet with a hematologist today to discuss lovenox and am currently already on baby aspirin. Fingers crossed and hoping this will help but my oh my does the anxiety ever lessen??