Oral or injectable vitamin k?


I never thought about this because it isn’t offered in most US hospitals, but my birthing center offers oral vitamin k for the newborn. It is actually cheaper. The first study I read from 1993 said that it is just as affective as injectable and does not pose a risk for childhood cancer like the injectable. However, every scholarly website said that “studies show” it isn’t as effective. They are scholarly/university sites but I don’t see a link to the studies they’re referring to. I’m trying to decide between the two but I’m a tad frustrated with the conflicting info. What conclusions have you all come to based on your research?

In case anybody is wondering what the vitamin k is for, newborns are vitamin k deficient and supplementation w/in 6 hours of birth is the only way proven to reduce the risk of brain bleeds that cause brain damage or death.

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