Any mommies TTC after long gap?

😷 • MOMMY of one BOY💙BABY #2 Due in December!💙Wife💙CCRN

So, I had my first 11 years ago, he was a surprise and I was pretty young. Fast forward several years, I have been blessed to be married to a wonderful man who has adopted my first. I had a miscarriage last winter when we were just "not preventing" pregnancy and he had been so the loss was devastating for us. After a challenging year in 2019, we decided to start trying again. Both of my past 2 pregnancies were not necessarily planned and the last one did not correlate with my cycle (as I was tracking it).

My son is a great kid and I think he'd make an amazing big brother-he is well-adjusted and pretty well goes with the flow.

I'm worried about the age gap and feeling discouraged about all this because I feel pretty ignorant about my cycle-despite working in healthcare and all of the reading I've done.

I think my hubby may be trying not to get his hopes up. But he is certainly excited and does talk about baby names and how he thinks our fur babies will react lol.

Anyone who's ttc after a long time or who has children with wide age gaps? I need some encouragement, but I generally feel at ease about it.