Steps after IVF loss question

Erin • IVF warrior. 🌈👶🏼 born 6/24/21 after 5 years.

Hi!! Could anyone let me know if you were told to do a Hysteroscopy after an <a href="">IVF</a> loss?

I had a blighted ovum that I passed on Jan. 18th and I’m desperately wanting to move on to our next transfer. Problem is I haven’t gotten my first period since the loss yet, and the doc wants to do another hysteroscopy (I had one the cycle before the first transfer already and all was clear). But doing one of those pushes us back another cycle. And since my period is taking forever to come back I’m just annoyed. I know I should listen to the doc but they also said it’s up to me if I want to do the hysteroscopy or jump right into the next transfer.

Opinions greatly welcome.