I am new to this


Can anyone help me I have recently come of the depo injection a month ago and I was only on it for a few months since last Sunday I have been having unprotected sex every day and this week I have noticed slowly some changes to my body as I’n lower back pain feeling sick without vomit in the morning headaches bloating and stomach cramps like period pain and also light bleeding after sex my mood swings are all over the place and I’m feeling tired and unwell in myself I have taken a home pregnancy test but I am thinking it’s to early as it has come back negative is this because it is to early and I need to wait longer until I test again is my body getting used to what’s going on I need some advice if anyone can help me that’s would be great to give me some answers as to what might be going on or point me in the right way when I should next take a home test I have also been having really bad heartburn and hot flushes and I have had this really strange taste of metal in my mouth that randomly comes and goes