Somebody help me!!!


My ex and I were together for nearly 2 years. We have a daughter together and a son due in 2 weeks. We broke up in August 2019 due to him being physically abusive and having a horrible temper. We didn’t speak to each for nearly 3 months. I made the decision to keep our daughter away from him due to the rumors of him and his family trying to fight me for custody.

We started back communicating and I thought it was going pretty decent given our history. Until the arguments began and the temper returned. He began staying at my apartment to keep our daughter during the week while i worked (nights) because he was sleeping on a couch at his dads house.

So as the tax season approached he began saying how much money he wanted and how much he thought was a fair amount. This has been an ongoing argument for the past month since i claimed our daughter plus my other daughter on my taxes.

He ended up finding out that I had received my taxes and all hell broke lose. He called me one day saying he would take $1500 and we could call it even. I’ve told him multiple times it wasn’t going to happen due to me having to get a new car and buy literally everything for the little boy. He and his family haven’t bothered to help buy anything for him.

Last night i decided to check my bills, keep in mind i do not stay at my apartment. My kids and I stay at my moms the majority of the time because i work nights and she helps with me the kids during the day so i can get some rest. While checking my bills, my gas bill was $200 from him staying there. So i called him and told him to help me pay the bill since he was the only one staying. It turned into an argument of course. He turned it around and brought up the tax money issue.

I’m mentally and physically exhausted from dealing with him and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Somebody help me and give me some advice on what my next steps should be! I’ve decided to put him on child support when the new baby is born hoping they will set up visitation so I dont have to deal with him. I just need some peace.