Just found out my husband has an other child with his nightmare of an EX!!!!

To start this off I’m going to let you all know I married a complete rockstar. I have two kids from two past relationships and when my husband and I started dating he always loved and treated my children as his own.. so much that he adopted my oldest last week. Also my I add we have been married for 5 years and after 4 miscarriages we are finally pregnant!!!!!

Things were going amazing. Until... he received a phone call from his ex. He hadn’t spoken to her in years .. she cheated on him multiple times and got two abortions behind his back. SHe started off saying that when he moved away from New York (where is he is originally from) she found out she was pregnant and decided to keep it thinking it was someone else’s. Well when the baby didn’t come out the color she thought it would (she is white, bf at the time was African American) she knew it had to be my husbands but didn’t want to tell him because she was pissed that he moved away. Now being pregnant my husband had a hard time telling me because he called bullshit. Well, turns out we saw a picture of this little boy and he looks JUST like my husband.

Now, I’m trying so hard to be supportive.. this isn’t his fault at all this all happened before I was even in the picture and of course I want him to be apart of his sons life. We are talking about the same man who took me with all my flaws and baggage... loves my children as his own.. this is just has hard for him as it is for me I will always stick by him.. here is my issue though.

** She is a fucking CUNT of a woman to deal with!**** my husband is willing to submit a DNA test. She is demanding back pay child support and ownership to his company! What the actual FUCK!!! How can he possibly be responsible for back pay child support to a child he has never known about!?

I decided to let my husband go about this and try to stay out of it .. until she messaged me on Facebook.

So my husband told her if this is in fact his child he will man up, but also understands that the child will now be 10 soon, we live in Florida and they live in NYC. If he is supporting a child he wants to see the child. If it is too Traumatic for the child to accept my husband has his biological father at the age he will willingly sign over his rights so her husband of 2 years can adopt him.

She messaged me saying that I am trying to kick her child out so that it is all about me and that will never happen. Little does she know I didn’t agree with my husband signing over any of his rights because if that’s his son we will make it work. She then states that my husband can come to NYC but she will never allow her son to come to FL and she doesn’t want her child around me because she is his mother and I will never be anything to him.

Now I have been through this and I know there is nothing she can do about this and I know she is just in this for the money. My husband does well with his business and she is waitress and her husband is currently unemployed... but to demand ownership of my husbands company?!?! Wow.. just wow. I wrote her back telling her that if he is my husbands son ,prepare for a fight because you don’t get to spring this on people whenever you feel like it because your finical status has changed.

Am I wrong for butting in? Should I just let my husband handle it even if it means signing over his rights? He says dealing with his ex is a nightmare but he would only sign it over if it was in his best interest because we live in different states and doesn’t want to force the kid to have a relationship with him is it makes him feel uncomfortable.


I wrote this post Almost two weeks ago, I just posted it today because I have been a mess and didn’t know how to even share this ... we hired an attorney and my husband went last weeks to summit a DNA sample at Quest Diagnostics in our state. Because we are out of state this is going to be a long process. I blocked her on social media because things got out of hand, she actually went out of her way to send me pictures of her in bed with my husband from years before I met him. I forwarded everything to our lawyer. Her husband even messaged me asking if I had a heart and to send over money for rent... like wtf?!! Am I a horrible for person for hoping this child is not my husbands? On the bright side if he is... at least I know he has an awesome dad and step mom that will try and take him out of that toxic situation... uh this all sucks