Please need advice!!!!!!


So we are trying for number 2..

I had a chemical pregnancy last month :/

Supposed to start my period on Saturday.. and I ended up having pinkish/red bleeding on Friday but light. And only bled for 3-4days.. super light compared to what I’m used to..

So yesterday I wanted to start tracking with the opks to get an idea of when I ovulate.. and it was super positive.. so I was kinda confused????

So last night I took a pregnancy and got these??? YES FAINT.. but there are there???

(First 3 below) FRER/cheapie

Then this am.. got a digital, cheapie and a FRER.. and I only truly see a line in the cheapie...

(Last one )

Has this happened to anyone else? Why did I bleed? I’m pretty sure it was my period? But why I’m a getting super faint lines?

Should I take a blood test @ the doctors?

Please advice!!!