Divorced at 24?

I just need some place to actually vent and any advice would be appreciated!

I’ve been with my husband almost 5 years, been married 6 months. Ever since I met my husband I’ve been the responsible one, always paid his bills, supported him through his DUI, gave him rides until he got a vehicle, you name it, I did it. Over the years I’ve been slowly starting to resent that he doesn’t help with anything. I ask for help and get nothing in return. My husband refuses to cook, clean or in any way do household chores. I pay for his insurance through my work and all the bills are in my name due to his bad credit before I met him. My husband does work and we now share an account to pay bills and etc. but I’m the only who has to pay them and he won’t learn how to actually pay them online. He is very outgoing and likes to party, which I don’t mind, I’m just sick of him and his friends tearing things up in the process, that I am financially responsible for. We live in a house that I bought and he did not help me buy. He does help with mowing the grass. I just don’t know what to do. I ask for help since I’m overwhelmed and honestly I’m tired of being the only adult, and nothing changes. When we fight he just yells and punches things and refuses to actually talk. He’s became controlling since the marriage and constantly throws in my face that I’m his wife now and I can’t do certain things. Basically this man just goes to work and puts his check in the bank and I worry about everything else.

The thought of a divorce is heartbreaking but I also can’t keep living like this. Idk what to do or how to go about fixing things. I’m at a total loss of what to do.