Another on time AF

Got my period today while I was at work.. felt like just curl up in a ball and cry but couldn’t do that.

We’ve been trying for 1.5 years, but month after month AF comes right on time, if not a day or two early. We are 31 and 31.5 (who is counting) we’ve gotten blood tests, sperm test, ultrasounds, hsg, done - all normal and expected. We started seeing fertility doctor last month, so let’s see what he thinks we should try or test.. My cycle is so regular it’s like clockwork, both of us keep active and eat well..... but when AF arrives it hurts us for a few days before we can get “hopeful” again, but also so cautious not to get too hopeful... It’s a blessing we get chance every month, but it’s hard to look at the positive side right now 🙁

Any of you in similar unexplained infertility situation? Any recommendations or books that helped you get through?