RANT-doctor stopped my iui process


I have uterine fibroids. So to better map them I had to do an ultrasound. Only to get an email from my RE saying that we were to stop the process and cancel my second follicle scan because I have a mass on my right ovary... mind you, she didn’t even say ANYTHING about the fibroids. Which were the primary reason for the ultrasound AND she was the one who gave us the green light to go through with it knowing I have fibroids. Now this “mass” pops up which, wasn’t seen at my baseline but found at my day 12 follicle scan and everything stops.if it’s just a cyst I’m going to lose my mind. What if by the time I go for the MRI, it’s gone?! I’m down and out but mostly unhappy with the RE I’m seeing and I think I’ll have to put a hold on everything until I find another clinic... I’m already paying out of pocket so i might as well go somewhere where I’m not being seen by 2 different people who never communicate about their patients or act like this is cheap and I can just throw money around and don’t effectively communicate results... I’m just going to go cry somewhere until I feel better