Ivf and time off

Hello I hope everyone is having a good day, I’m about to start my 2 treatment for Infertility and it will be my first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a>.

Let me explain you a bit about my life and work in that way everyone will Understand a bit better and not jump into conclusions

Right away.

My first infertility treatment was a nightmare thanks to a bad diagnose by my 2 doctors yeah 2 doctors that didn’t not believe in <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> cause of their religious beliefs of course at the moment of starting treatment with them they never told me this, anyways they put me trough hell and back telling me a bunch of bolony doing thousands of test charging my insurance to the point that I started to suspect they didn’t really know what was going on, I confront one of them and told me my only chance to be a mom was by adopting or to start a round or MALE Hormones for a couple months wich will not guarantee anything but might work but side effects were hair on my chest and face, Adam’s apple etc,.

Doctor also told me I was not a candidate for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> cause thAt wasn’t a right way uhhhh excuse ? I left anyways I found a nice doctor and we are about to start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> long story short, I have been going with a therapist after all that trauma that experience with the bad doctors it was around a year when I decided to look for another doctor.

My therapist thinks I have to some degree ptsd for the horrible experience I had with this doctors after finishing treatment with them and win off the hormones and pills they had me put on, I started to experience panic attacks and depression never never suicidal but yes it did interfere with my regular life I was so sad and depressed

But I’m better now that’s why I decide to go for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> finally.

Not let’s talk about my work I work for a worldwide company that we are on our feet at least 8 hours a day we cannot sit, and we are dealing with costumer service the 8 hours. It’s a kinda stressful and people “costumers can be not really nice” specially cause they are buying things that are really expensive.

My new doctor it’s 1.5 hours away in a good day no traffic mind you all the ultrasounds are first thing on the morning while

You are with the injections trough <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> so that been said my commute one way will at least 2 hours each way and then I’m expected to go to work after that for

8 hour straight been in my feet and taking care of people cause it’s costumer service gave to face.

I can apply for intermittent leave which it’s helpful but my schedule gets build every 3 weeks it’s a mess and my days off are never 2 on a row so it’s kinda stressful to be doing at least 3 hours commute plus workin 9 hours cause if I want to mantona my paycheck the same I need to work the 9 hours (intermiten leave it’s not paid) and + the time I am with the doctor my therapist got the conclusion that will generate and huge amount of stress going trough all this plus you know we all know hormones are though to handle ( I’m the person who will have every side effect for the medications unfortunately ) so my therapist recommend me to talk to my hr and ask if it was possible to apply for a short term disability of 6 weeks my therapist thing it’s the right think to do since all I have been trough and the high stress job I have.

I call my hr department and they told me ok go ahead it’s possible.

So I also know a person at my work who Did this because our work it’s really stressful and it’s doesn’t help with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> also she had 10 fail cicles with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">Ivf</a> so she was emotionally done ( she didn’t took time off every cicle ) only the last 2 and she thinks this helped a lot with stress and she was able finally to have her baby.

Anyways I call my doctor and she couldn’t answer so they put me trough a nurse that I don’t really know once I know my doctor wasn’t available I asked for an specific nurse they said she will all back anyways so someone call back not the nurse I wanted not the doctor by her voice its an older woman so when I explain everything just did she told me I was trying to commit fraud and that wasn’t possible that doctor will not be on board with this, that she has never Heard of such a think of short term disability for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> even tho when I told her my work was on board and my therapist.

She told me she will ask the doctor but she thinks it’s a no.

I almost hang up on her, I said please just ask the doctor to call me I dont think you know enough about my case to tell me this. Now I’m scared she will tell thinks are not true to the doctor.

My husband wants to call and file a formal complaint against her ! Im like why people don’t take the time to listen and judge right away !! Thanks for reading teLl me what do you think !!