Trigger warning - heartbroken possible miscarriage

Anna • Mummy to an angel 👣 survivor of early pregnancy loss 🌼 Hopefully second time is the charm 👣

I am absolutely heartbroken. I had light spotting and mild cramping last week and was sent to get serial HCG blood tests. Got a call from the dr (not my dr as mine was away) who told me everything looked good but to go and get another test just in case but emphasised that there was nothing to worry about. Went and got another one done yesterday morning and last night got a call from my dr who is back who said that he has real concerns as my HCG levels aren't going up anywhere near as what that should be (4100 to 4700 in 48 hours 😕). He is sending me for an emergency scan as soon as he can get me in to determine if this is a 'non-viable pregnancy' and give me options on what to do next.

My heart feels absolutely shattered and all I want to do is cry. My partner and friends are telling me to stay positive, that there is still hope until the scan but I know in my gut that there is not. My breasts don't hurt anymore and the blue veins I had have faded (the only two symptoms of my baby)