Do these look like faint lines to you?


Im so thrown off this month TTC. LMP 2/7, had my Mirena taken out on 2/19 and peaked on home OPK same day. BD next two days then started to bleed on 2/22. I thought it could be Ovulation bleeding? Went away after 2 days. BFN on 3/1 and then started to bleed again on 3/2 which would have been early for AF but thought that was probably it. But it wasn’t that heavy and stopped after one day. Perhaps implantation bleeding? Took these two Target tests today. I think I see faint lines but it’s really hard to tell and it could be my mind playing tricks :( (Both showed up within the 3 min window time.) Also took a FRER this morning and that def seemed negative. Anyone else had a similar issues?