


My daughter jus turned one two weeks ago and I just found out I am expecting again. I am so blessed but so scared! I just started a new teaching job this year and will have this baby in November so I am worried about job security. I am also worried about being a good mom to both my daughter and new baby. Any one else gave these kind of fears?? I’m so excited but so worried

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Posted at
My daughter turned 1 on January 30th. I’m currently 23 weeks pregnant. I’m definitely a little nervous but excited.


Posted at
I’m due in September with baby first two are 19 months apart, and my second and this baby will be 18 months apart...adding a new addition isn’t easy, it takes adjustment, but once you get into a routine, and especially when you’re out of the newborn phase, it gets easier. Nothing about being a parent is easy, but it’s always worth it. At the end of the day, your love for your babies is all that matters. Yes, stress, anxieties, struggles will be there, it always will, in some shape or form whether it’s kid related or not, no ones going to have a perfect life without any trials or challenges, but I will say, the challenges that comes with bringing little people into the world is the most rewarding. Your love won’t divide, it will multiply.


GG • Mar 5, 2020
Thank you for these words!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Posted at
Same boat! I’ve just find out that I’m pregnant again! And I thought that things was getting better everyday with her...


Posted at
I’m also due with my second in November! I also used to teach. I’m not sure how schools work where you live, but maybe November is a good month to have a baby as a teacher because the weeks off for Thanksgiving and Christmas break don’t count towards your maternity leave so maybe you can squeeze out a little extra time at home! Good luck!!