Restricted grow in a baby

Camilla 🇬🇧

Hi ladies I’m 23+5 with fraternal twins boy/girl ,both have separate sacks and placenta .I just find out that a girl is growing lovely but boy didn’t grew as it was expected ,he has some problem with his cord as I restricted and doesn’t receive enough food .Ive received 2 shots of steroids.I don’t want to give a birth to them now as is high risk that they might not survive or if they survive they might have a disabilities,I don’t want put them in such a painfully life ,my doctor and I decided to monitor him and see how it goes and postponed until 26/27 weeks if possible.Previously I was pregnant with twins again and I’ve lost them so now I really don’t want this to happen .Does anyone of you had a similar situation and what was the outcome .Thank you .❤️