61 days late!


I'm 19, my period is 61 days late. My last period was December 1-5. Early January, I was nauseous every morning, constantly feeling bloated, and over all just didn't feel good. I took 4 pregnancy tests over the course of 2 weeks and took them all in the morning when I woke up as the directions said. First one came up negative. Second, inconclusive, third inconclusive. The fourth one came up positive. At that point I made a doctors appointment. I did the urine test and the blood test, both came back negative. I didn't worry about it after tht point. However, my period still hasn't come. So I got more at home tests. Still coming up inconclusive. I am not nauseous anymore, but I'm constantly tired, hungry, and feeling bloated. I have heart burn all the time, the areola on my boobs are darker, I get constant hot flashes, I've gained 4lbs without changing my eating habits and on valentines Day, I walked into a restaurant and almost threw up just because of the smell. I went to do another urine test at the doctors. Negative. I talked to my mom and she said urine tests never worked for her, my grandmother, or my aunt because they lacked the pregnancy hormone until about the 4th month. It's been 61 days without a period and many symptoms but I don't want to freak myself out. Any advice?