He’s so caring🥺❤️


So i am 37+3 days and it literally seem like since i turned 37 weeks I’ve been contractioning on and off. So yesterday i was at my boyfriends house and i was just SOOO tired i ended up falling asleep but an hr later the cramps woke me up. I have a low pain tolerance but my contractions aren’t back to back but are starting to get more intense as the days go by. So i was sitting on the couch and he came in the living room from the bathroom and could tell  immediately i was either in pain and/or uncomfortable so he got on his knees on the floor and just held me , he rubbed my back and we kind of swayed back and forth as he did so , i had a few tears come out but then this one just kinda hurted bad and it caught me off guard so I started crying heavier. He then wiped my eyes and held me tighter and eventually told me to lay down. He laid next to me and rubbed my stomach until it stopped. I knew he always loved me. But when you’re carrying a man’s child and his first at that moments like that are so special ❤️ we’re both very young and im so fortunate to have a man who’s still getting his life together but always make sure me and his daughter is ok before anything is heart warming. I don’t know if its the hormones but typing this im tearing up because im so lucky to have him by my side as we near the end of our pregnancy ❤️ sorry its so long i just needed to get this out!