My cat threw up and is now hiding and sleeping which she never does

Idk who else to ask cause my family thinks she’s fine. She hasn’t thrown up in a while but when she does she usually will still play, eat food, or sleep in her basket which is downstairs. Couple months ago I took her to vet cause my family seemed to think she was throwing up a lot and vet pressed on her stomach and didn’t feel anything, was going to do X-ray but that was expensive so we skipped.

She seemed fine but she yowled then threw up twice and when I tried picking her up she hissed at me. An hour later it was dinner time and they normally have canned which they both get excited for. My other cat responded and ate while the other one showed no interest and we didn’t know where she was. She was in the master bedroom hiding in the corner behind some furniture. Didn’t greet anyone so an hour later I grabbed her and she hissed at me and placed her by food. No interest. Then she threw up by the dining table but it was just bile and not a lot. Nose seems wetish but almost leathery feel so kinda damp dry but idk if the vet can see us tomorrow. I’m just worried as she’s 3.5 years old and normally wouldn’t turn down canned food

This was after I brought her downstairs

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