34 week appointment was pretty eventful

Kathryn Elizabeth • 🤰🏻+👼🏼+🙏🏼+⏳+👨‍👧+🐶🐶+💍+🏡+🤰🏻+👨‍👩‍👧‍👦+🤰🏻 Athena Lynn 09/03/13 Brandon Paige Jr. 11/30/18 Baby Zoey Due 04/20/20

Okay so my brother is currently in the hospital because he got into a car accident earlier this week so I was already at the hospital yesterday before my appointment. I went to leave the hospital and realized I could not pay to get out of the parking deck because I didn’t have my wallet with me. My doctor works out of the hospital but her office is in a different building with a different parking deck. (About a quarter mile from the deck I was already in) so I parked and started walking. I was gonna come back to my brother afterwards anyways. So I walked to my appointment. I got there signed in and started feeling a little dizzy so I sat down. Then I got called back. They checked babygirls heart rate which was a healthy 143 bpm. And I started feeling lightheaded. So they brought me some water. Then my doctor comes in and we talk about how big my daughter might be because of the pain I’m in and how heavy she is to carry. She tells me that at my anatomy scan (I’ve had 2 so far) babygirl was measuring a week and a half behind so she doesn’t predict that she will be very big but she’s healthy so it’s okay. She decided a month ago that we were going to do a small ultrasound at this appointment so she measured my belly and says that my daughter has definitely dropped. Then she starts the ultrasound and told me she was mistaken. My daughter is at least a week and a half ahead of schedule and at least 5 pounds. And that’s when things went south. Not because anything she did but I was more and more lightheaded as we were talking and I explained to her that I had walked to her from the main hospital. And then everything started spinning, my body went limp and the room got dark. I woke up to her calling my name and trying to get me to drink some water. She then checked my blood sugar and blood pressure. She said I passed out and lost all color in my face. My BP and BS had bottomed out. She asked me if I had eaten.. this was around 11:30 am and I shared a bowl of cereal with my son around 6:30 am. So that was not good. She gave me sprite and peanut butter crackers. She called my dad to come get me. And told him I needed to eat a meal ASAP. She scheduled me for another anatomy scan because my daughter is stuck like she’s trying to turn but she can’t figure out how to get her feet up where they are supposed to be. So if she hasn’t turned and I have not gone into labor at my next appointment (which will be my 36 week appointment) then she will try and help her turn.

Does anyone know a way I can help her turn?