Quinlee Rose


Born 37w1d via induction due to gestational hypertension.

Started out January 17th going to my normal schedule 37w appointment. When I got there they noticed my BP was high. It had been slowly creeping (I had preeclampsia with one of my prior pregnancies) so my doctor recommended I go over to L&D to be monitored. He’s a very good doctor and is always reassuring they IF I had to be induced he had no doubt the baby would do great!

So we headed over to L&D. We were in there for probably 20 minutes while they monitored her and my bp when a male doctor stepped in and said we just talked to your doctor again and he gave us the go ahead to get you move into a room. (My bp had finally come down a little bit but her heart rate was not. It was going between 190-200’s the entire time).

Get into our room and they insert Cytotec (tiny pill) and a balloon catheter to help expand my cervix. I had to wait for 30 minutes to get up but once I was able and hooked up to a fetal monitor we walked around the halls for quite awhile. Eventually the balloon did its job and they could pull it out easily which meant I was around 5cm. They surely thought she was coming before midnight! BUT then I stalled around 6cm. They then recommended I get the epidural because they wanted to break my water to see if that would get things going again. So we did! And things picked up but not to the point of being able to get to 10cm on my own so they started some pitocin. Also during this time my heart rate decided to drop. I am on a heart medication for palpitations so they said my body decided to have a reaction after the epidural which made it drop further 68/44. They ended up having to call anesthesia back into get me a few medications to get my heart rate back up. It was to the point I was dizzy and couldn’t sit up because I felt disoriented. Once they came in and gave me the meds my heart rate started to come back up (thank goodness). A little while later they came to check and she ended up sunny side up. So because they had popped my water and she wasn’t in any fluid they decided it would be best to insert a different kind of catheter to pump fluids in so she could float herself around. After two hour of doing the Texas Roll (flipping me every 15 minutes with small peanut between my legs) she was able to flip herself to the correct position. I had asked to sit up because of the constant flipping and of course because of my heart rate being so low. As I was just sitting there they came in (probably 30 minutes after they sat me up) and asked if I felt pressure. I did feel pressure. So they went and got the doctor and sure enough she came in and said, your having this baby, your 10cm! 6 pushes (2minutes) she was here!

All 7lbs 1oz 19inches of her! Born the next morning 1/18 8:12am

We are in love!!