Needed a rant/release/hope. (Its a long one)

Back story, got with my husband 5 years ago, married 2 years. He told me he didnt think he could have children when we met as he had done home tests with an ex which all came back negative but never got it checked with a GP. I kept hope and we discussed donor sperm if this was the case.

Fast forward and we've been TTC for 6 months because never felt ready until then, but the broodyness became strong real quick.

Husband had semen analysis done by GP(because of negative home tests) which came back normal other than abnormal morphology , could have been worse I thought.

The thing is every month I get AF is another month I become more obsessed and more down.

I've just had bloods for PCOS because I've had raised testosterone in the past and I'm quite a hairy lady and havent had a peak opk in 4 months, anyways bloods come back normal but I had a scan and she said my left ovary is too close or stuck to my womb? Said it could be endometriosis and to book in with the GP.

Now I'm freaking out. I have regular 26-29 day periods, get cramping relieved by hot water bottle maybe once per cycle and never very heavy so it's not something I ever suspected.

I feel pathetic because I know people have been TTC for a lot longer, like a lot.

I just wish I never waited and had spent the last 2 years on no contraception because now we have to wait 2 years for NHS <a href="">ivf</a> and then after that we're looking around another 2 years before treatment looking at others stories.