First response false positive? (Updating as we go!)

Victoria • wife + mama♡ Easton Hayes + Ella-Rae Gaines + Axl Patton⋒

Update: it won't let me change where I put this post. I put it in faint lines at first and now I'm trying to get it out and into announcements but my phone is not letting me, I'm sorry guys!

So guys I need some help haha

But before I start I want to say that I know y'all aren't doctors but I just want to see if anyone else has gone through this

I've also had two babies, this would be my third pregnancy. My first one I wasn't tracking so I don't know the time line. My second I tested positive right after my period was supposed to start. I also had implementation bleeding with my second and I think my first but I can't remember 100%.


My last period was Feb 2-6

Glow predicted I would ovulate Feb 13-19

My husband didn't come home from work until Feb 20th in the afternoon.

My period was supposed to be March 3-7

No spotting, some mild cramps

My cycle can easily go from 28 to 33 days so to be a few days late is no big deal but I've never been this late

I took two tests a few days ago 100% negative

But this morning I took a Walmart cheapie (which always give me strong positives when I'm pregnant) and I got the faintest line but I spent so long trying to pick it up on camera I exceeded the time window so I didn't want to get my hopes up. It got stronger as it dried and definitely had color though.

Well I just took a First response and another Walmart cheapie and the fr has a faint line. Popped up within 3 minutes and is faint but very pink but the cheapie was completely negative

So needless to say I'm worried I'm getting a false positive on the fr.

Has this happened to anyone?

I have one more fr + a cheapie I'm going to use tomorrow morning with fmu

Fr + cheapie

No filter

Lightened just a bit

(Sorry the quality is horrible lol)

So I have a problem lol and I took my other two tests. I think I'm pregnant. Please be a sticky bean!

Now I'm just worried because they aren't really getting darker but I should have waited to take them in the morning with fmu. That was my fault. I'll have to buy more haha

3/9 am

I think I might see a line on the pink dye but I can't tell if I have line eyes. I know there's a hint of one on the blue dye but I know those aren't as reliable.

I caught my other two pregnancies at exactly 3 weeks pregnant and I thought that was super early, praying I caught this earlier and that I'm not going crazy lol.

Taking another test tomorrow 3/10

3/10 am 5 minute time frame. I know it says three but the purple ones take forever to dry.

I think it's darker though guys😭💛