Posssibly implantation??

I’ve been holding off asking this. I really don’t want to get my hopes up. Every 2ww I feel like I chill out a little more. This time around I’ve been off this app more, I’ve been reading to calm my nerves, I’m trying to ignore anything that feels like it could be a symptom, and am feeling pretty good about holding firm to my “not testing until my missed period.”

But I have to ask...

at 7dpo (yesterday) my husband and I were just watching tv and I all of a sudden felt this sharp nagging pain on my right side. It didn’t feel like I needed to bend over in pain or anything, it was just a light throbbing or stabbing pain that lasted for about a min then went away. I felt it again this morning, but it was a little more faint and didn’t last too long.

Other than that I’ve not really had anything stand out that’s different than usual...could that have been a good sign of implantation? Or am I just getting my hopes up 😂 while it was happening I was just envisioning the little fertilized egg digging its way into my uterus #crazyiknow 😂😂

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