relationship questions-

i’m 19, and my birthday is in october, i graduated last year. i have a sister that’s 17 and in the 11th grade. we have the same group of friends, majority of them are seniors in high school. well recently we started hanging out with some guys we typically wouldn’t hangout with, guys we know but we just don’t hangout with. i started falling for one of them... he’s 16. he begs me to come hang out every day and i have, we talk all day and night and even are otp when we’re asleep. i’ve looked up the laws for the state, and it’s legal. my mom has met him due to him helping with something going on the other day, but she doesn’t know his age, and i’ve met several of his family members and he always introduces me as his girlfriend. i have noticed he snaps a lot of girls but when we’re together he always sends pictures of me with him or he has no issue with me watching him text them back or anything... but is he too young? or should i back off? i really like him but i just need other girl advice because my girl friends really won’t talk to me about it. we haven’t done anything sexual, but last night he did kiss me before we left his house.