When husband is sick he's dying


I think I am just looking for solidarity.

We are all sick right now. Puking diarrhea. Baby got it first and then me then my husband. I am just worn out. I am a SAHM so no sick days for me. My husband called in sick today. But I have gotten up with baby every day. I do it all. My husband did take care of our son 2 hours on Saturday. That is it. I am just burnt out. I am coughing now too.

We are all sick why does my husband get specialty treatment and act like he's dying. I am just so exhausted of begging and complaining for rest when I am sick. I also have my period and the combination of diarrhea, puking, and cough has me at my wits end.

Currently sitting in my second pair of pajamas after baby threw up on me and crying because my back hurts so bad from coughing.