Boy or girl.. πŸ’–πŸ’™

just for fun im doing my own research to see what day in the cycle others conceived and if they conceived a boy or girl, so let us know as im trying to see for myself- I've got 3 gorgeous girls and another pink one for me would be great but hubby would like a blue one but obviously as long as baby is healthy we are both happy πŸ’–πŸ’™

My last AF was 9th Feb- I got a positive opk 24th Feb and bbt slow rise from 24th we BD - 15th-19th 21st/22nd/23rd/25th/27th... what do use predict πŸ’™πŸ’–

Got my bfp started showing vvvvvfl from 7dpo so could I of ovulated earlier??

TIA πŸ’«