Pre-menopause at 37


Hi everyone, I just got the news from my women’s health provider that My FSH levels reflect that I am in menopause. We are devastated...we had a miscarriage in December, I got pregnant the first cycle after trying. After the miscarriage, I ovulated mid January and had a period January28th. Now nothing since and I went to the Dr on base in women’s health.

I just cannot comprehend this news, no signs and I was pregnant and had a period, how can this be😪

The provider refused to send me to reproductive endocrinology or anything for More tests, she just said since my FSH is 36, it shows I am in menopause and if I want to explore egg donation on my own we can.

Has anyone else been in this situation? I feel

Completely blindsided and feel like they found at least referred me to a specialist.