Allergic reaction


So today after my LO woke up from her nap I was feeding her and I looked at her arm and saw these huge hives. She had them on her other arm to around her shoulder area. The only thing that she had today that was different was a puree pouch that was sweet potato banana and apricot. She has had tons of bananas and sweet potatoes, so I'm thinking maybe it was the apricot she reacted to? I gave her baby Benadryl right away, she was coughing a little bit, so I freaked out and thought she might be having trouble breathing. I took her to the children's emergency, and while in triage the nurse checked her hives and they were gone, the Benadryl must have worked. I'm thinking maybe she was coughing and breathing funny from me giving her the Benadryl. Does anyone know of any other babies with an allergy to apricot? It seems pretty random.