Weird happenings?


Warning: it's a long story.

So backstory: from the ages of 1-13 or 14, my 2 brothers, one sister, mom and dad all lived in this kinda big older house. Except for my dad, we all had experiences and we believe there were 3 different ghosts. 1 that was just kinda there, one that was mischievous and liked to cause trouble and one that was downright mean! Around age 14 or so, there was a small attic in the fire caused by poor, old wiring and a fuse exploding. We all moved out into separate houses and now we have another presence here. My whole family has always had paranormal things happening to them.

So back to the present, I keep having this recurring dream, except it's slightly more scary every time. And it's that we're all going back to visit the old house as a family for some reason. And as soon as we walk in there's a ghost of an old woman standing in the kitchen at the stove making pancakes, there's a random radio in the living room playing some football or basketball game. And the bedroom that was on the left as soon as you walk into the house is burned and the door is hanging off its hinges and there's a little girl with red eyes holding a frying pan, screaming at us to look at her. But I tell everyone to not look at her because if we do, we'll suffer the same fate she did. In my dreams, we never make it past the middle of the dining room before running outside. The little girl with red eyes runs after us outside and even manages to cross the street after us. At that point she gets angrier and for some reason I point a mirror at her, she calms down, then the mirror breaks just by her looking into it. And she forces me to look in it and then I turn into her, then I wake up with cold sweats and can barely breathe.

These dreams have gotten progressively more intense every time I have them. It started with just me going in the house alone, nothing happening but I'd still get scared and run outside.

This one tonight I just explained was terrifying. And towards the end of this dream, the little girls eyes turned into broken rubies right before the mirror broke from her looking into it.

I'm not sure if I'm asking for advice or just opinions, either one is much appreciated!