Oversensitive or Insensitive

Salaam sisters,

I really needed some advice,

I have been trying to get pregnant for over 2.5 years. I’ve not let it get to me in the past but recently it’s just gotten too much.

At work there’s a woman who’d been struggling for 5 years to get pregnant and she finally did and I was so happy for her. She recently went off on maternity leave. Just before she left, another woman in the office announced her pregnancy. She’s due in a few months. Both these woman are great and I’m so happy for them.

Another colleague that I used to talk to about how i am struggling, she’s herself has been trying for a few months and didn’t realise how difficult it would be to conceive. I was there for here when she got a false positive and also when she couldn’t cope at work, she knew my story and struggles.

Recently, (I was the last to know) that she was pregnant, somewhere in between our talks she found out and still didn’t tell me, instead I was last to know :).

Since then there’s been constant talk in the office. She’s like my baby is now so and so size , I have extreme sickness, my god I’m so bloated, I don’t know why I wished for this so bad, my baby can taste now etc etc. I try not to lose it because I just feel she is so inconsiderate, there’s me sitting here, u know my struggle yet you still go on and on.

At lunch she and the other pregnant woman will come sit by me. One says she wishes she’s not diabetic as will give birth to a hefer, there’s me a diabetic woman struggling to get pregnant in the middle of them.

I feel like it’s getting too much and I get angry at their inconsiderate behaviours and I don’t know, like come on how stupid can someone be to constantly go on about it and not be empathetic to people around you. But then I don’t know if I’m just being oversensitive, I try be positive, Allah is the best of planners and everything he’s already been written for me so I try not to stress. It doesn’t always work, just not sure what to do.

Thoughts would be greatly appreciated