My husband cheated

Yep, another typical cheating husband story.

Two nights ago my world stopped. I got a random message from a girl asking if a username was my husbands snapchat, it was. Messages came flooding in with screen shots and her telling me they've been talking for awhile now. I instantly called my husband and asked him about it. Of course he denies it all. I told him if he wants what's best for our marriage he better come home now. So he does. Well in the mean time this girl is telling me everything. How they've been talking since September, they've never hung out but talked about it. She had all the proof showing it was him. She knew exactly what he was wearing that day down to his boxers. She knew what his work truck looked like, what our personal truck looked like, everything!! But he denies it all, he's trying to say someone either logged into his snapchat or is using his username. But I know that's impossible. And at this point his actions were speaking loud and clear. He was upset, but not upset with the girl. And I know much husband. If someone was pretending to be him and fuck shit up he would have flipped. I even called the girl and he didn't say anything!! So whatever, he doesn't want to admit it but I'm not stupid, and I've been having a feeling that something was going on anyways. There's only a couple of things that doesn't add up but again screen shots don't lie.

Now I'm just so hurt, lost, and have no idea what to do. We have two boys, our youngest is 5 months. Part of me wants to work it out for our family. But another part is just so broken that idk if I can fully love and trust my husband the same. We will never be the same. I dont understand why men lie. Hearing the truth is so much easier than a lie. Because now I'll forever be questioning everything.