Peri menopause and ttc (UK)

Stella • Aged 45 and been trying for our first little one since February 2017.

Hi, has anyone on here been ttc and found themselves in peri menopause?

Been with my SO for just over 4 years. We’ve been ttc for just over 3 years (both not married or had kids previously) I’m now 45 and have been having issues with my cycle for a few years too. I’ve not had a period since the start of January (the same thing happened at the start of last year too and I didn’t get my period again until May) recently I had been having hot flushes and not sleeping through the night. But since I’ve started taking vitex for that it’s eased off.

At the moment I feel like my body is constantly trying to ovulate. My bbt is low (fluctuates between 36.1 - 36.5) when it drops I get slippery cm and soft high cervix but my ovulation tests are always pale lines. I get a darkish one now and again but never a positive one.

(Also. We’ve now been signed off from my fertility consultant as she can’t help us anyway.

I had bloods taken to confirm peri menopause but I’ve not had the results yet. Meant to be making an appointment to talk through things with my GP.)

Just wondering if anyone else is going through the same thing and having the same symptoms?