Obvious negative 😔

I know we’re crazy. Trust me.. I know. But we are only trying for 2 months for a baby (......for SO many reasons I don’t want to get in to.) If it doesn’t happen, we’re done. We already have 3 beautiful kids together and it was fairly easy to conceive all 3 for me. I had (insane) high hopes that it would happen in 1 try. I’ll test again in a few days, but my last 2 pregnancies, I got my positive at 8-9 DPO, so I’m no longer hopeful that it happened this time.

I don’t mean to sound insensitive. I am thankful for the 3 kiddos I have. I just didn’t know that our lives would take the turn it did and I don’t know if I’m ready to be done. But if it doesn’t happen, then I have no choice but to be done. I know I’m putting too much pressure on myself to get it right in only 2 tries.

I’m just feeling very heart broken today. 😔😔😔