Walking Out pt.2

So, today I recieved my annual review for 2019. Nothing but great things were said about my work. It was to be expected that things would be late from annual filings and the higher ups aren't really upset.

I was notified that our company is moving towards a more robotic processing and while our work will not be heavily impacted, this will not come into play for another year or so. The rollout for this is sometime in 2021. The problem with this is that if we need help we will have to bring on a temp (so this other person won't work for us consistently). So I questioned things such as time off, vacations, and anything unexpected. I was pretty much told the work will be here when I get back (um, obviously)

The department manager, my manager's direct manager, mentioned to my supervisor that he sees my hard work and understands the everending workload. He is giving me a company day off on any day of my choosing.

I was given a bonus and my raise is right at 3%. I'm not upset. Not really upset because part of me is so beaten up and exhausted.

My manager explained that no one's budget is being expanded because of this new system rolling out. I explained that I've doing a job function for 2 people for 6 months now PLUS she allowed my previous colleague to move out of state last April leaving me with ALL of the leg work and then some. Keep in mind our work is not setup as such to work virtually. She was playing favorites. She never balanced out the work after he left. So you may as well say I've been keeping this ship stable alone for almost a year. I feel EXTREMELY taken advantage of and given excuse after excuse about pay. I understand the changes being made. I like to say my company is still in the dark ages with technology but we're advancing and moving up in that area.

I guess I'm not sure what to do from here. Like I said before, I really enjoy my work (I truly do) but not in this magnitude.