It’s been 8 months, fur babies, baby, hubby

It’s been 8 months and idk why but lately I feel like my anxiety and stress is through the roof. It was definitely really bad after having my LO and then after a few months it got better. All of a sudden now I just feel like I can’t sleep at night or feel relaxed. My mind is constantly worrying. We have 2 big fur babies so my mind is constantly worried at the end of the day like am I being a good fur mom to them? Since I’m busy with our LO throughout the day😓. We have our routine at home taking them out, feedings etc with me being a SAHM so they definitely get more attention nowadays compared to when I was working and they would be cooped up all day for hours.

And then I worry like am I being a good mom to our LO. I know I’m doing my absolute best but idk why at night I still ask myself am I doing enough. By the end of the day I’m like completely wiped. My husband has crazy hours so he isn’t home at the same time consistently. It’s just been a LOT lately and I looked back at my old pictures and just don’t feel like me, I know I’m different now being a mom. I guess I’m just struggling a little bit with like who am I type of thing. I use to be such a workaholic and had all these goals. Which I still do but they’re just on pause. Now I’m like doing dishes, making sure meals are planned and cooked, laundry is done, house is clean. It’s like little stuff but so exhausting. And then to not be able to quiet my mind at night when I’m finally in bed is tough 😓