6 weeks postpartum pain


I was 6 weeks pp on Monday,

I didn’t have any bleeding after my c section until about a week after being home it was just minor on and off spotting with the occasional small clot.

Now since last week I’ve had what seems to be like a period and now I’m having some cramping it hurts but not servers and the bleeding seems to be more or less slowing down.

My problem is I don’t get a real six week check up, I gave birth and had prenatal care through a specialty hospital for high risk pregnancies and we don’t get follow up care but could use their labor and delivery triage up to 6 weeks after my family doctor saw me at 2 weeks post partum and said I seemed to be healing well and doing fine. Should I be concerned about the cramps and make another apt with my family doctor or does this seem normal? FTM and have bad post partum anxiety.