Should I just end it ?

so yesterday my boyfriend of 7 months came over after work ( back story the last couple shifts he went to sleep at 1 and gets up at 5am ok? So I know he is tired and I wanted him to get a good nights rest and tell him to not stay at my place so late) anyways he comes over at 9 and it was 11:30 and he had a busy day and so did I. so I kept asking when he was Gunna leave and he just jumped the gun and said ok I’ll leave now. Like every time I were to ask. I just want him to sleep good for work cause he’ll complain in the morning. So we go downstairs and I cleaned some of his clothes for him and passed it to him and started walking to the door, well he gets right mad at me. So I go sit on the bed and grab my phone and he picks up the rest of his clothes says “ thanks for cleaning these” walks away and leaves my house.

No goodbye no I love you. Nothing. He left , no goodnight text. Next day we didn’t talk for over 24 hours. Like the entire day no notifications from him at all. Today at 11pm he comes over, he just shows up !! after not hearing from him at ALL and it’s his short change so he’s suppose to stay up. Well he comes downstairs and knocks on my bed room DID NOT ONCE bring it up anything up. He was fine. You think that would bother someone!? He knew I am bothered cause I didnt even look at him for an hour when he arrived. Didn’t touch him cuddle nothing just sat down and ate infront of my family.

Later on everyone goes to bed so its just me and him, we sat down on the couch for an hour, he knew I was upset,

We spoke a little bit, I asked him is he ok is anything wrong he said “ no everything’s fine “ he didn’t seem upset or care. So he gets up and says “ have a good one “ and leaves my house again.

It’s currently 4pm, hes active and we still haven’t spoke.

he legit walked outta my house the day before. Me and Him know each other. And how our relationship is, and we always say goodbye we are touchy and the “ I love you so much “ type.

My heart hurts . What should I do. I hate this.