Corona virus

Ok so, is it me or does this whole thing contradict itself?

Every single time I see the midwife she NAGS at me to get the flu jab even though it’s personal choice. She bangs on at how dangerous it is for a pregnant woman to get the flu. Which I get.

But, fast forward to this stupid corona virus, everyone says it’s just a flu and is only dangerous for at risk categories?

I’m pretty sure that those exact at risk categories get the flu jab too.

Yet they keep saying that we’re not classed as an at risk category? That we don’t need to be worried?

So is it a “flu” or isn’t it? Is it dangerous for us or isn’t it?

Surely you can’t say they’re both the same but say we’ll end up in hospital off the flu with phnumonia, but the corona virus is fine?

I just feel like all the information out they’re is very contradictory.