Does your LO prop themselves up on their elbows during tummy time?

Randi • In love with my best friend. ❤ 5/26/18 👰🤵 Mama to the perfect baby boy born 11/14/19👶💙

My son has a giant head lol. It was in the 90th percentile at his last appointment while his height and weight were in the 20th and 14th percentiles.'s a bit out of proportion. 😂 That being said, he will be 4 months in a couple days and just barely in the past couple weeks started lifting his head during tummy time for a few seconds at a time. And most of the time he doesn't lift it. He can hold it up fine when we pick him up slowly and we don't have to hold his head while we carry him upright, so his head control is pretty good. But he still doesn't hold himself up on his elbows, even if I put them underneath his chest. He always has his arms out to the side. I'm not very worried as I know babies all develop at different paces, just wanted to see how many of you are in the same boat!

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