Annoying family


I'm 17 going on 18 weeks pregnant and I stay tired all the time. I try to take a nap but my family always wakes me up for something. It's the most annoying thing ever I swear. I can never stay asleep because they always needing something or need help with something. There are 6 people living in my 2 bedroom apartment because my brother and his wife and kid decided to move in with us after he left the military but he still doesn't like to help around the house, pay any bills or try and find a job all he does is sit around and smoke weed all day. I'm growing tired and more irritated as the days go by. I'm ready for him and his family to move out because they are here making things alot worse. I wish I could move out on my own because they are probably the most annoying family around. 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩