Confused about dates


I hope someone would help me. I am currently pregnant with my second baby.. third baby actually. I miscarried my first baby. It was missed miscarriage. Next baby was a planned one. And after delivery we were planning to have the next baby after a few years. We were not using any protection methods but were careful not to have intercourse on ovulation days. But after delivery my periods were irregular. First few months it came twice a month. Doctor said it was normal. After that I started having periods which were longer and varied every month. My cycle length ranged from 32 days to 44 days. My last cycle was only 26 days and period was really light. I didn't give much attention to it. When I missed my next cycle. I tested and got an instant positive. Since then in every scan my baby is measuring 5 days ahead. I was put on a date according to my lmp in my first scan but they changed it later and moved 5 days early according to my scans. My question is was my last period really a period?