7 week old kicking while eating and restless at night


So this past week off an on my baby has been eating and kicking the whole time almost like something was bothering him. He will just almost be asleep or have heavy eyes for a while and as soon as he comes off my boob he’s wide awake and will not settle down. All he wants to do is eat constantly and the moaning and kicking and groaning noises just escalate. I burp him often I’ve even started to give a full 4 oz bottle of breast milk before bedtime so I can see he’s getting the full amount and then he still wants to suck. He takes a paci but the paci isn’t settling him either. He doesn’t seem in pain or even upset, just agitated and full of energy (restless) I know the 6 week mark there’s a growth spurt and I’m just wondering if anyone else is having these issues. He’s usually good about eating then going straight back to sleep at night except for this past week. Its killing me