Postpartum and coronavirus anxiety

I’m on the healing end of dealing with some bad postpartum depression and mainly anxiety. I’ve been working hard and am finally feeling better. My baby is a little over 2 months.

The events unfolding with the coronavirus this week are really triggering me. I have a teen son who works at a retail store and he’s also in a trade school program that has not stopped classes. My husband is self employed as an importer and directly imports from around the world mainly China and Italy. He has a bunch of employees depending on him and deals with the public and out of state visitors daily.

While I’m lucky and at home quarantined with my baby and my 13 year old, I feel extreme anxiety knowing my oldest son and husband are bringing the virus to us.

How is everyone dealing with this? How can I alleviate my building anxiety and not slip back to extreme postpartum depression and anxiety? How can we as mothers protect our newborns?