Don’t be that person...

My fiancé and I went to Walmart this morning to get some toilet paper since we only had one roll left (We’ve been so busy this week with work and just bought a house so going through all that stuff). I can’t believe how people were acting! They were like vultures grabbing as much as they could at once. The diapers and wipes were wiped clean, formula all gone, toilet paper and paper towels were empty. I saw multiple people with more than one cart full of water and toilet paper. A mom with her infant were trying to find a box of diapers and she looked extremely stressed to not find any. My fiancé found a pack of 6 toilet paper in a box from shipment so we grabbed it. As we were walking away, two larger woman (I’m a small 5’3”) full on shoulder checked me to run to the boxes of toilet paper we had discovered. I am very obviously pregnant so all I could say was “way to ram a pregnant woman. Hope you feel good about yourself.” As we stood in line, a woman had a cart full, practically overflowing, in toilet paper and I couldn’t help myself but say out loud “if she needs that much toilet paper, she might want to see a doctor.” Toilet paper will not stop a virus, I promise.

There’s so many people that are without because of these hoarders! Please think of others that need stuff too.. Especially the moms that need formula and diapers. It’s a shame what people do during times like these.

We just wanted to be able to wipe our ass, y’all.

Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk/Rant.